Call for CAG applications is open

Information meeting about the application process will be held 19 December 2017 at 16.15 – 17.15 in Copenhagen

In summer 2017 the Capital Region of Denmark and University of Copenhagen launched Copenhagen Health Science Partners (CHSP) and the first four Clinical Academic Groups saw the light of the day. Now we strengthen the partnership with a number of new CAGs in order to further strengthen and support translational research.

Translational research – the future of Health Care

In Denmark and abroad, there is a strong focus on translational research as a supporting element for the interaction between health research and its application in clinical practice.

Through international experience including from Kings Health Partners in England, we know, that strong collaboration between research and clinical practice can mean higher quality in research and that new research results are more quickly translated into practice for the benefit of patient treatment. With the establishment of CAGs the path from research to treatment in the clinic will be shorter, and ultimately it will benefit society more quickly, as treatment of patients will be more targeted, efficient and fast.

A CAG is represented by a basal and clinical researcher who together seek to stimulate the transition from basic research to clinical practice and vice versa. With the support of CHSP, CAGs are given privileged access to support from the region and university to support strong cross-border cooperation.

Financing of the CAG

  • 1 million DKK per CAG over two years
  • In addition, each CAG receives grants for enrollment of one new PhD studenr per year for 3 years. Equivalent to 450,000 DKK annually. This means that the CAG itself finances years 2 and 3 of the PhD

About the application process

Møntstabler, bevilling til CAGs, CHSP